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WEMTA 2025 - Ignite and Inspire: Impacting Learning Together
WEMTA 2025 - Ignite and Inspire: Impacting Learning Together
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Lindsey Schartner
Pulaski Community School District
Digital Learning Specialist
Pulaski, WI
, March 9
11:00am CDT
Author Keynote: Jerry Craft
BCC Connect CB East
Jerry Craft
12:30pm CDT
Elevate Student Agency Through Video
Hilton Garden Room B
Beth Rihtar
PD from A to Z-Using Choice Boards for Professional Development
BCC Boardroom
Amber Houslet
1:45pm CDT
Brisk Teaching Chrome Extension
BCC Collaborate C
Jake Boll
Grow a Garden of Resources: Differentiating with AI
Sheraton Wisconsin 2
Sarah Wendorf
Keeping Up-To-Date with Google Workspaces
BCC Collaborate B
Deb Norton
3:00pm CDT
Screencastify Submit: A Replacement for Flip
Sheraton Wisconsin 4
Sarah Wendorf
AI in the Classroom: What it is, why it’s changing the world, and how we can prepare for it
BCC Collaborate C
Jake Boll
, March 10
7:30am CDT
Breakfast Buffet & Program Updates
BCC Connect CB East
8:45am CDT
Captivate and Educate: Using Edutainment to Boost Student Involvement and Achievement in ELA
BCC Boardroom
Amanda Zieba
Collaborative Classrooms: Strategies for Student Success
Sheraton Wisconsin 6
Toni Robinson • Melissa Hampton
Digital Producers: Empower your students to create and engage with technology
Sheraton Wisconsin 1
Sonja Pupovac
Fact-Checking for Students: Resist Misinformation and Find Reliable Sources Online.
Sheraton Wisconsin 3
Nick Ostrem
1:00pm CDT
Creating a District Digital Safety Night
Sheraton Wisconsin 2
Jami Goodman • Jen Gossen • Ashley Knapp • Nicci Verbeten • Jen Wathke
Neuroscience and Technology
Sheraton Wisconsin 1
Beth Clarke
Templates and Activities, Oh My!
Sheraton Wisconsin 3
Amber Houslet
EdTech Takeout: Ordering Up Bite-Sized Technology PD for Teachers and Staff
BCC Collaborate A
Tricia Louis
3:00pm CDT
Augmented Reality in the Library (Attendees receive a free Merge Cube)
Sheraton Wisconsin 4
Sheri Omernik
5:30pm CDT
Trivia Night
BCC Connect CB East
, March 11
8:15am CDT
AI is here to stay - What are we going to do about it?
Sheraton Wisconsin 4
Ashley Knapp
Spotting the Tricks: Helping Students Understand Social Engineering, Fake News, and Digital Folklore
BCC Collaborate A
Maria Haigh
9:30am CDT
Design Thinking in the 6-12 classroom
BCC Collaborate C
Jennifer Casa-Todd
Empowering Students Through Digital Storytelling: Building a Media Club for Creative Communication and Production
Sheraton Wisconsin 6
Trisha Sabel
Getting Started with AI Literacy: Preparing Students for an AI-Driven World
Sheraton Wisconsin 2
Jodi Pierre
Teaching Tech Balance: Supporting Students' Online Health and Safety
BCC Collaborate A
Jake Boll
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